
MK Group and Gorenjska Banka donated 100,000 euros for a student hall in Ljubljana


MK Group and Gorenjska banka signed an agreement with the Student Hall in Ljubljana, on a donation of 100,000 euros to the largest student campus “Rožna dolina” in Slovenia, where 3,500 students live. The donation will enable the creation of a common space for learning and work, as well as socializing and other organized activities that will contribute to improving the quality of studying and life in the Student Hall. Financial resources will be used for the renovation and complete furnishing of a space of nearly 200 square meters, which will have zones for individual and group work and a reading room, with modern equipment and technology, which will provide significant support in exam preparation, academic success and strengthening of cooperation within the students community.

The Donatin Agreement was signed by the Director of the Public Institute of Student Hall Ljubljana Tomaž Pečnik, the Director General of MK Group Mihailo Janković and the Board member of Gorenjska banka Marko Filipčič.

„For 72 years, the Ljubljana Student Hall has been creating a community in 29 dormitories with 7,500 beds, in which we not only provide adequate living conditions for students, but also strive for a variety of academic, cultural, artistic and sports activities. With the generous donation of MK Group and Gorenjska Banka for the establishment of a modern study room in Rožna dolina, we will provide a common space for learning and contribute to adequate support for the academic success of students, encourage cooperation and innovation, and above all strengthen the student community”, said Tomaž Pečnik, Director of the Public Institute of Students Hall Ljubljana, at the signing of the Donation Agreement.

MK Group, along with its socially responsible program “Family Support”, continues to invest in youth, education and science.

„This year, MK Group’s regional philanthropic project focused on student dormitories in the Adria region where we operate, and for which we will allocate a total of more than 350,000 euros. In Slovenia, traditionally with Gorenjski Banka, we invest in new generations and contribute to their education and development. This year’s donations are in synergy with the activities of the Miodrag Kostić Endowment, which will open the Palace of Science in Belgrade at the end of the year, the first center for research and popularization of science in the region. It is with projects like this that we want to provide our best students and young scientists of the region with excellent conditions for learning and research”, said Mihailo Janković, Director General of MK Group.

„The regional social responsibility program “Family Support” has entered its eighth year. During this time, we made a significant contribution to improving conditions for our youngest, families, and now for students. With the new donation, we want to encourage innovation, commitment and excellence in all areas. We want students to believe in success in all their paths with fresh approaches, new knowledge and new experiences”, concluded Marko Filipčič, member of the Board of Gorenjska Banka.

As part of the regional project “Family Support”, MK Group and Gorenjska Banka donated a total of 270,000 euros to maternity hospitals and kindergartens throughout Slovenia during the previous two years. The maternity hospital in Ljubljana received a donation of 120,000 euros in 2022 for the renovation of postpartum rooms, while 150,000 euros were donated to 7 kindergartens in Slovenia last year. Companies will continue to support children and young people with their socially responsible activities.