
Miodrag Kostić at the international conference “Climate Change and the Green Economy”


November 20, 2014 Metropol Palace Hotel- Miodrag Kostić, president of MK Group attended the international conference “Climate change and green economy” and pointed out that Serbia had certain advantage concerning green economy and climate change but it would take longer period of time to benefit from it. The most developed countries like the USA and China have been developing polluting technologies for years and gained major capital which was invested into the development of green energy. However developing countries like Serbia could not fulfill new standards in the short period of time because they do not have sufficient financial resources, stated Kostić at the summit organized by the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD).

Energy and agriculture are the areas where green economy could be implemented – all conference participants came to conclusion. They also agreed that it was necessary to work on improving energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the share of renewable energy sources, wind energy, geothermal energy and the growth of organic farming.