
MK Group and Gorenjska banka enabled the renovation of 7 kindergartens throughout Slovenia with a donation of 150,000 euros


As part of the Family Support program, MK Group and Gorenjska banka enabled the renovation of 7 kindergartens throughout Slovenia this year. The final event took place in the Mladi Rod kindergarten – Čira čara unit in Ljubljana, where the new playgrounds were ceremoniously opened by the head of the department for preschool education and education at the Municipality of Ljubljana, Marija Fabčič, the chairman of the board of Gorenjska banka Mario Henjak, the general manager of MK Group Mihailo Janković and kindergarten director Mladi Rod Aleš Bole. The total value of donations for the renovation of kindergartens in Slovenia amounts to 150 thousand euros, while 20 kindergartens in the entire Adriatic region, including Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro, were allocated a total of 750 thousand euros.

The director of the Mladi Rod kindergarten Aleš Bole: “Today we are celebrating. We are looking forward to the new toys, which are such an important factor in the development of the motor and cognitive skills of our youngest. Thank you MK Group i Gorenjska banka for investing in the future of our children.”

Marija Fabčič, head of the department for pre-school education and training at the Municipality of Ljubljana: “The Municipality of Ljubljana has an exceptional ear for children. We allocate a third of the budget for the renovation of kindergartens and schools and new programs, and we are especially grateful to initiatives such as the donation from MK Group and Gorenjska banka.

Chairman of the Board of Gorenjska banka Mario Henjak: “As part of the Family Support program, we allocated 150,000 euros to kindergartens throughout Slovenia in cooperation with MK Group this year for the renovation of children’s playgrounds and equipment. We are glad that in this way we were able to make a significant contribution to improving the conditions in which our youngest children develop. In the future, Gorenjska banka will continue to strive to be a responsible partner to local communities.”

General Director of MK Group Mihailo Janković: “In the jubilee year, when MK Group celebrates 40 years of business, it allocated more than one million euros for socially responsible operations. As part of the Family Support program alone, 750,000 euros were earmarked for the renovation of 20 kindergartens in the entire Adriatic region. These donations contribute to better conditions and a better education for children, which we are particularly happy about, as we believe that by investing in the new generations, who are our future, the best is yet to come.”

In Kranj, the Kranjski kindergartens – Janina unit were delighted with the renovated playground, in Maribor the Waldorf Kindergarten Studenček and the Jožica Flander Kindergarten were delighted with the new playgrounds, on the Coast Koper Kindergarten – the Ribica unit renovated a sensory room with the help of a donation, the Mavrica Izola Kindergarten and the Kindergarten Barčica Portorož, on the other hand, renovated the outdoor playground.

The regional social responsibility program of MK Group and Gorenjska banka, Support to the Family, is aimed this year at improving the conditions in which the youngest grow up, learn and develop. The Family Support program is known to the wider Slovenian public for last year’s donation for the renovation of four postpartum rooms in the Ljubljana Maternity Hospital, a free break for the medical staff at the Kempinski Palace Hotel Portorož during the epidemic, and assistance to the little boy Kris in the treatment of a rare disease.

The Family Support program was officially launched seven years ago as an internal support program for MK Group employees who become parents. To date, they have supported 790 families and more than 1,300 children of employees with a total of 400,000 euros. MK Group implements the program in all countries in the region in which it operates, namely in Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia and Montenegro.