
The company Sunoko celebrates "Sugar beet field day"


Inđija, 02 June 2017- “About 60,000 hectares of agricultural land were planted with sugar beet in Serbia this year. Variable weather conditions including extremely high temperatures at the end of March as well as extremely low temperatures, frost and snow in April, resulted in extremely uneven crops and crop combinations reduced for 5-10% in comparison to the previous year” said Mr. Ljubiša Radenkovic, Director of the company Sunoko, on the occasion of “Sugar beet field day”.

This year’s traditional event was held at “Agrounija” d.o.o. estate near Inđija and was organized by the company Sunoko, a member of MK Group. The company Sunoko has presented the current situation in the market of sugar beet to the farmers, as well as the new technologies and the most contemporary agricultural machinery they have used in order to increase the sugar beet yields.

On that occasion, Mr. Radenković said the sugar market has been relatively recovered which provided additional economic stability to this economic branch. “Overall changes in the world market, especially the reform of the market of the European Union in terms of the abolition of production quotas from October this year, will increase pressure on the market. Therefore, we cannot expect increase in price of sugar. For this reason, increase of profits and maintaining  competitiveness of sugar beet can only be achieved by better sugar yields per hectare” explained Mr. Radenković and pointed out that in order to achieve that goal it is necessary to apply the latest knowledge and to comply with the principles of good agricultural practice.

Events such as “Sugar beet field day” represent the way to introduce the latest knowledge and new technologies in production of these crops and to find the way to their application.