
Miodrag Kostić at the Conference on the economy of Serbia and Montenegro


22 October 2015, Hotel Splendid, Budva- Miodrag Kostić, President of MK Group have participated in the conference “The effectiveness of EU accession and improving regional competitiveness”, which brought together the representatives of the leading regional companies and politicians.

At the panel “Business in the region – local businessmen and investors”, participated by businessmen from Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Croatian, Mr. Kostić said that countries in the region do not have efficient administrations and reforms of the education, health and pension systems, as well as significant investments in road, rail and energy infrastructure are necessary.

The new levies must not be introduced nor increase of the existing charges should occur, but the state finances should be stabilized by introducing saving measures and better collection of the existing duties. The participants in the conference, organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Montenegro and the Association of Economists of Serbia and Montenegro, have agreed with this conclusion.