

Kopaonik, 22 June, 2017 – The fourth generation of the educational program “AmChamps – Young Leaders of Change” had the opportunity to hear valuable advice from Miodrag Kostić, President of MK Group, on how to achieve business success and start your own business. “It’s important to come up with good opportunities and recognize them. Once […]

The representatives of AIK Banka a.d. Belgrade have signed an agreement to acquire 100% of shares of Alpha Bank Serbia at the headquarters of Alpha Bank Serbia in Belgrade. Alpha Bank will change its business name to Jubank ad, which symbolically confirms its return to the group of banks with domestic capital, having in mind […]

For the 8th year in a row, the company MK Group has provided the winter holidays in Kopaonik for 30 top students from fifth to eighth grade from Kosovo and Metohija. During the winter holidays, pupils had an opportunity to enjoy free ski school, while in the afternoon they participated in workshops improving their skills […]

President of MK Group, Miodrag Kostić, has participated as a panelist at the conference in Ljubljana organized by the Adriatic Council. On this occasion Mr. Kostić said that the present battle for successful survival in the economy and business operations is the global bettle where the big players are well positioned. “Considering individual countries in […]

During the last year, Serbia exported 3.2 million tons of grains out of which MK Group was responsible for nearly 25 percent. Unlike other branches during 2016, Serbian agriculture has achieved good results in the foreign trade exchange. We’ve sold agricultural and food products to Europe and the world for 16.20 percent more than during […]

MK Group – new corporate film. We are MK family. Constantly growing team.   New corporate video MK Group – 2016   New corporate short film MK Group – 2016

29/06/2016 – The company MK Group has signed a preliminary agreement on strategic partnership with Agrana AG from Austria. The company Agrana is a regional leader in the production of sugar, a part of the largest producer of sugar in Europe, the German SUEDZUCKER AG. In 2017, the European Union will introduce a radical reform […]

Bečej, 1 June 2016 – “This year, over 55.000 ha were sown with sugar beet in Serbia. Crops are in good condition, much better than in the same period of the previous years and the reason is favourble weather conditions tended to favour the queen of field crops” said Ljubiša Radenković, CEO of Sunoko, on […]

Belgrade, 2 June 2016 – “In order to have overall progress of the society it is essential to have a greater number of successful private companies that are sustainable and from which the state and citizens can benefit,” said the President of MK Group, Miodrag Kostić, at the international gathering entitled “SCIENCE, ECONOMY AND SOCIETY”, […]

03/09/2016 – Grand Hotel, Kopaonik – Miodrag Kostić, President of MK Group, was the moderator at the panel “Sustainable competitive advantage and how to reach it: Success stories in the region”. Participants in the discussion were the officials of the companies PSP Farman, My Brands, Agrokor, Metalac Group and a representative of EBRD and one […]

MK Group and President of the company, Miodrag Kostić have organized 2 donation cocktails in 88 Rooms Hotel Belgrade within the humanitarian action „Magnet for love“. The first cocktail was organized in cooperation with the Serbian Association of Managers (SAM) and the second with the support of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) and the […]

Novi Sad, 17 December 2015 – MK Group has acquired Agricultural Combine (PIK) Bečej for 45.5 million EUR today by outbidding Meat Industry Matijević at the public auction. MK Group and Matijevic were the only participants in the auction whose starting price was 42.7 million EUR. They have submitted the bank guarantees in the amount […]